why is it hard to get a job

Why Is It Hard To Get a Job (17 Reasons Explained)

Why is it hard to get a job – Nowadays, getting a job can be complicated and frustrating as not many companies, industries and firms are willing to employ many people. Unlike in the early years when getting an appointment was made more accessible.

And because many companies, industries, and firms are in operation today, some factors make job availability nearly impossible and extremely tough. Here, in this article, we will look at several factors responsible for job scarcity.

17 Factors Responsible For Job Scarcity

Certain factors can enhance job scarcity and increase the lack of employment in an area; below are some of them listed.

1. Companies are too picky

It is no news that most companies we have today are very selective and can be very picky in their choice of the workforce. Some companies have high tastes and preferences, and the criteria required for recruitment may be tedious to achieve.

Sometimes, people who are passionate about the work may end up not being selected because of failure to meet up with the company’s gross demand.

2. Companies have unrealistic expectations

This can also be a disturbing factor contributing to the scarcity of jobs in most cases. Companies nowadays have high expectations and require their employees to live up to the standard required.

When employees can’t fulfil the expected requirement, they are fired or dropped out of the company.

This is a common factor and one of the fundamental reasons why it seems challenging to get a job.

3. Bias against unemployed people

Bias is a common factor in most companies in recent times. Some company management is biased, so some people are kicked out even when they have the basic requirements and can fulfil the company’s expectations due to their sex, creed, age, or tribe. In some cases, favouritism governs the affairs of the company.

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Hence, it makes it hard for people who are from different backgrounds, social statuses, and tribes to secure a job for themselves.

4. You only apply online for jobs

With the advancement in technology and the changes that come with it, some things are expected, and one of them is sending online applications for job vacancies. Gone are those days when one needed to visit the company that wanted to hire, attend interviews physically, and wait for weeks before getting approved.

But nowadays, you can send in your application via email, attend interviews via zoom meeting, and get jobs online immediately. Though it sounds cool, it can also yield difficulty in job availability because many people are also looking for jobs online. Hence, breeding an unhealthy competition.

5. Competition in demand and supply

Nowadays, there is a lot of competition in seeking a job, whether offline or online, and it can be frustrating. The demand for employees is small and incredibly low, whereas the labour supply is high.

Many people are seeking employment, but only a few companies are willing to hire employees.

6. Impoverished economy

A bad economy can also breed a lack of employment and an increase in the rate of joblessness. Most third-world countries with poor economies experience a high level of unemployment than first-world countries.

This is also a primary factor influencing job availability in a country or region.

7. You are not networking

Most companies employ online, and it is imperative to understand that networking is a good way of getting job employment. Statistics show that 70% of jobs are displayed online.

Hence, people who don’t network or people who don’t believe in the internet will be limited to taking advantage of job opportunities.

8. You are a job hopper

Most companies hate a job hopper, which can be one of the significant reasons you have not gotten job employment. When applying for a job, the first and foremost thing companies look out for is your level of experience, which involves how well you know the work, how well you have served, and how many years you have in the field.

And in that case, if you have worked for multiple brands, businesses, and companies within a short time, the company may or may not hire you because they see you as a job hopper.

9. You are applying for the wrong jobs

Applying for the wrong jobs can also contribute to not getting job opportunities. It can also be energy draining and tiresome.

10. You lack basic qualifications and education

Most companies have a set of standards, and for them to employ you as a worker, you need to fulfil their expectation, and in the absence of that, you may not be considered capable or fit to work.

Qualifications and education level matters a lot, and it is essential to understand that most companies only hire people they find capable of job opportunities.

11. You are not good at interviews

Interviews, in most cases, can guarantee your chance of winning a job. Most companies use open discussions to understand the strengths and weaknesses of applicants before giving them jobs.

And if you are not good at job interviews, it is almost confident you will find it difficult to win a job.

12. Discrimination in employment

Discrimination is also a common factor and is responsible for the lack of unemployment.

The cases are more likely associated with tribalism and favouritism during employment by a company’s management.

13. Your resume is bad

A bad resume is capable of kicking you out of a company. No company will like to hire an amateur or someone who doesn’t know how to construct a good-looking resume or doesn’t have an appealing portfolio.

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This particular factor can disqualify an applicant automatically.

14. You have little or no experience

Every company needs highly experienced workers and employees to be able to sail its operation. And this can be another challenging factor that can yield a lack of employment due to employees having little or no job experience.

It is advised that as an individual who wants to gain employment, try as much as possible to gather the required knowledge needed to work as an employee in a company. It can be helpful in most cases to avoid being kicked out of companies.

15. You are overqualified

Being overqualified can be a big challenge as most companies won’t like to hire you because they feel you can easily quit at any time to look for better pay elsewhere.

16. You are not responsible

Someone who is not responsible may hardly get a job opportunity because almost all companies seek responsible employees who can handle tasks diligently and attend to duties on time.

17. You are selective

Besides companies being too picky and selective, some people are also demanding. They seem to condemn any job offer too quickly only to keep waiting for a better one to come, which may never come through.

As an individual, you are advised to become authentic to yourself and face any available job opportunity to avoid wasting time and effort in your search for jobs.


Nowadays, getting jobs can be very stressful and challenging, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are available jobs. Yes, getting a job offline, online, and in rural and urban regions can be challenging.

Still, some factors are responsible for controlling job availability, and you must strictly observe such factors to win job opportunities.

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